Well, it’s been 4 weeks since I raced IronMan Arizona and I’ve been useless. I have tried to maintain some physical activities, but with family, holidays and recovery it’s mostly been sit around and eat. That’s not completely a bad thing my coach said, but after 4 weeks I feel bloated and out of breath even on light exercise.
So with all the laziness it is time to begin working again. Usually it comes with a big heavy sigh when you realize you have to get back to work, but I honestly couldn’t be more excited to get 2014 started. From the picture attached you can see that our schedule is full already. IronMan Galveston 70.3 is less than 16 weeks away and the Cowtown Full Marathon is less than 8 weeks away. Those are my 2 big events for the first half of 2014 and it is gong to be a great year. Last year the idea of running 13.1 miles was terrifying, but now I can wait to do my first full marathon (I don’t count IMAZ since that wasn’t a pure run).
Today we started a week of baselines to gauge where I am after IMAZ and recovery. I will post the data later, but my endurance has suffered. The legs actually felt great and I could still push some power, but getting winded on a 10 mile TT was something I haven’t felt since last year. The Computrainer is a great tool to see where you are and where I need to go! Tomorrow will be a run test, Wednesday another bike test, Thursday a swim test and Friday another run tests. It’s a full first week back and I already feel like the guy I did 5 weeks ago again, just a little slower.
Looks for more data and posts!
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