Monday HR Test

I am really starting to get back into the swing of things, but it is taking a lot more mental effort than I was expecting. Everything in me would rather sit around being lazy than getting out on the trainer, but I must push through the mental piece. The stress of 2013 is finally coming to a close, but it isn’t giving up without a fight is the biggest problem. I look forward to a fresh start on the year Wednesday, hopefully things will start going back to the way they should be.

Here is Monday! I have a lot of improvement room, I was so much stronger than this just 6 weeks ago….

*BIKE #1:* HR Test

WU: 10mins @ 115-120HR

7mins @125-130HR/ 3min @ easy;

7mins @135-140HR/ 3min @ easy; (120’s)

7mins @145-150HR/ 3min @ easy; (120’s)

5mins @155-160HR/ 3min @ easy; (130’s)

3mins @165-170HR/ 5min @ easy; (130’s)

1min @All out effort/ 5min @easy; (140’s)

1min @ All out effort/ 5min super easy cool down.


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