What a fun weekend Ironman Texas was this year. Being a part of awesome teams makes this sport even better!
We took off early Friday morning taking a detour to pick up my new Zoot gear at the airport. After an obligatory Starbucks stop for Jen we had a very nice ride to Galveston island. We avoided all the traffic others hit by taking the toll loop and crossing Kens favorite bridge.
We went straight to checkin as we knew it was going to be a busy day. Almost no one was there and I was in and out in a matter of minutes. The IM shop wasn’t even fully setup we were so early. The winds were crazy (for the whole weekend) so most of the vendor tents were not setup.
After checkin it was time to eat! We tried Fish Tales on the seawall and it was so tasty. I really wish we could get seafood like that here I’m Dallas. Jen and I had a very relaxing meal before it was time to meet my teammates at Fit Tri Run.
At Fit Tri Run we finally got to meet most of the Zoot team and professional Triathlete Kelly Williamson. Also, Josef Major with Team Zoot joined is for a great question and answer session with those that came out to visit with us. I was truly honored to be up there with these great athletes and to be taken seriously as an athlete. It makes pushing harder a lot easier when you have great team support like I do both from Zoot and KMF a Performance.
After the Zoot event we ate with Ben and KMF to get some much needed weekend and nutrition advice. Saturday was mostly eat and rest after a fun lunch with Team Zoot Tx and KMF at The Spot on the seawall (I need more fish tacos). The whole beach house crew hit the sack early after bike check in and getting transition bags setup.
Sunday Race Day!!!!
I slept very well which is unusual for me on a race weekend. So feeling rested I used that momentum to decide I was having a FUN race no matter what. After Sean’s oatmeal debacle we all had a good laugh and headed to Moody Gardens. We were very calm for what we were about to do, I think I knew the training was in the tank and it was time for the reward.
The swim was special this year. The winds were high and the water was very rough. The yellow caps we were wearing in my wave, the swells and the fog made it difficult to sight. I ended up doing two tenths extra for a 47:09 swim time. I was 10 minutes off my projected pace, but I was not prepared for that rough of a swim. That added in with the extra distance made the time ok in my mind, plus I was out to have fun!
T1 went very smooth at 3:53 and I got on the bike easily. It was quite soggy so I took my time getting to the main hwy, I really didn’t want to go down in a curve. The ride went well until the bridge. As we hit the bridge the rain started coming down and it felt like hail it was hitting so hard. Up until then it had just been foggy and a light mist. The rain lasted for about 10 minutes then the winds shifted to our advantage and there was no more moisture the rest of the day. I averaged just under 30 for the 56 miles and a time of 2:49:51. Again the day just kept getting better.
T2 I was in and out with a time of 2:17. I really needed a pot stop so I hit the first aid station before really starting my plan. That couple of minutes was worth it not to have a full bladder any longer. The run I had planned a 5/2 run to try and defeat my 10 mile collapse. In my previous two half marathons this year my IT Band went nuts at 10ish miles causing my pace to go to the 15/15min area due to limping. Ben and I decided running 5 min and walking 2 min might be a good solution until I can get some more strength and rehab in the areas I’m lacking. The planned worked perfectly! I wasn’t quite as fast as I wanted to be, but I experienced zero pain and finished the race running. No jog or limp this go around. I finished the run in 2:48:08. I’ll take it, my goal was 2:30 so I wasn’t too far off my pace. Considering how much extra energy was used in the swim and bike due to weather I am very happy!
That was after all my biggest goal of Galveston, finish strong and happy. I did that without a doubt this year and I am looking forward to Texasman X-50 and IM Buffalo Springs. I will continue to improve this year as the weight comes off and I learn more about myself and this sport.
A huge thank you to Ken Wilcox for hooking up the team with the beach house. I want to stay there every year now.
Thank you Ben Drezek (my coach) and our KMF Performance whom I train with day after day and week after week. You guys push and inspire me to do more, plus you are a blast to hang with.
Also, thank you ZootSports.com and Team Zoot Texas for the support and for letting me be a part of your team in 2014. This sport is so much easier and fun with awesome support like you give us. I can’t thank you enough or say how proud I am to race for you.
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