Merry Christmas!

Every Christmas Eve we sit as a family with the 24 hour Christmas Story marathon and read ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas. What makes it special is it’s one thing big boy can’t wait for each year. The part he is most excited about is the fingerprint. I thought it would be cool for him to see how he’d grown each Christmas. The first 2 years there is a full hand and foot, these days his thumb print is almost that big.

He goes to sleep smiling knowing that Santa will come while he is snoring like a bear. The little guy was squirmy and more interested in his hat his brother had given him. But his finger prints are in his book too. When they have their own families they will have something to share with their kids I hope.

I wish all of my friends and family a very Merry Christmas. Please be safe and I hope Santa is generous this year.





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