I have written and re-written this post at least three times. I am unsure why I can’t get happy with my report since I am very happy with how my race progressed this year. So I think it is time to apply the KISS strategy and just write. Sorry for any rambling that may occur! Race Week! This year we took off a day earlier so we could have more…
Dang It!!!
I screwed up and lost quite a bit of the blog for this year, kind of sad and hoping I can find a backup. I am not as diligent at keeping up with my backups as well as I do customers unfortunately. I guess I will post a year end recap tomorrow instead of all of the race reports that were there.
New Shoes!!
Ok, I’ll admit I love getting new training and race gear. I have more running shoes than my wife and I’m not ashamed! This week I finally received my Zoot Solanas that were pre-ordered and I am so happy they are here. First impressions were they were awesomely bright green and light. They are as light as my Tempos and Kalanis, but have at least twice the cushioning. Just trying…
Ironman Buffalo Springs 70.3 – Race Report
If you haven’t noticed I have taken a while to post this. Honestly this week is the first I have felt decent since the race. I truly raced into a dark hole and it took some time to come out of it both physically and mentally. That is the whole idea of Ironman, how mentally and physically tough can you be and still function. This year at BSLT I finished,…
Ironman BSLT Here We Come!
You always think you have plenty of time and really you do not! We leave for Ironman Buffalo Springs in less than 72 hours and I am starting to feel the pressure. This 70.3 isn’t quite like the others, I know going into this that it will be my toughest race to date. The terrain and environment will make it tougher than IMAZ and that reality has set in. My…
Playtri Festival
Training and racing continues! This past weekend I raced in the PlayTri Festival International distance. The overall result was a podium in second place so more hardware! The race was a little tougher than last year due to wind, heat and some small inclines in the run. I was actually 9 minutes slower than 2013, but I felt much stronger this year. I had what I consider one of my…
I’ve been awful at updating lately. This is something I’m resolving now, at least weekly updates from here on out. I’ve missed telling you about multiple races, awesome volunteering, friends becoming new Ironmen and even trophy/medals. This weekend we rode the tandem 65 miles through the Burleson countryside. 3000 feet of climbing with my awesome tandem partner, can’t beat that for a ride. After that we enjoyed good food, family…
IMTX Galveston 70.3
What a fun weekend Ironman Texas was this year. Being a part of awesome teams makes this sport even better! We took off early Friday morning taking a detour to pick up my new Zoot gear at the airport. After an obligatory Starbucks stop for Jen we had a very nice ride to Galveston island. We avoided all the traffic others hit by taking the toll loop and crossing Kens…
Where did the time go?
Just yesterday it feels like I signed up for IronMan Galveston and that was 16 weeks ago. I’m officially tapering and gathering supplies for the race this Sunday all of the sudden. It always works out that way, you believe you have all the time in the world and you don’t. I am as ready as I can get at this point. I’ve put in more hours and miles than…
St Paddys Tri Weekend
What a fun kickoff to triathlon season. The big boy completed his 3rd Tri Saturday in Keller. He had a blast and I was struggling to be at his turn around spots because he was moving so fast. I only wish I could move like he does. He has a nice trophy from the race and needs a medal rack already. I raced the adult Tri on Sunday and boy…